Sea Hawk Flies Down Under to Sydney, Australia Boat Show

Sea Hawk Paints Clearwater Florida

Sea Hawk Flies Down Under to Sydney, Australia Boat Show

April 7, 2015


Sea Hawk Flies Down Under to Sydney, Australia Boat Show

CLEARWATER, FL (August 13, 2012) On the heels of the introduction of Biocop TF™ to the Australian market this May, two Sea Hawk representatives, Tommy Craft, VP of Sales, and Denis Laesker, who handles International Sales, flew down (under) to attend the Sydney International Boat Show this month. It’s the first year Sea Hawk has had a booth and attended the show in Sydney.

Why is this big news? It took five years to grant permission for Biocop TF to be registered for use in Australia. The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) handles the registration of all agricultural and veterinary chemical products into the Australian marketplace. Applications undergo rigorous assessment using the expertise of the APVMA’s scientific staff. If the data confirms that when used as directed on the product label that it will have no harmful or unintended effects on people, animals, the environment or international trade, the APVMA register the product. And Biocop TF passed with flying colors!

According to Tommy Craft, show attendees were asking about the features and benefits of Biocop TF, a dual biocide, and what type of life expectancy they could expect from it. Many stated they liked the wider range of colors available with Biocop TF. “We were asked how it compares to Interlux Micron 66,” reported Craft. He stated that “Biocop TF is a harder ablative and has the ability to be used in any type of water, while Interlux Micron 66 is limited to salt water only.”

Craft went on to say that he also spoke with some sailors who used Sea Hawk products while in the U.S., but have recently moved to Australia. They were happy with the performance of the product and were glad to know that Sea Hawk would now be available in Australia. “It was great to know that most of the boat yard owners and marina managers knew about our products as well,” he said.

While waiting for the registration of Biocop TF to be completed in Australia, the Australian distributor, Walid Aboultaif of Sea Hawk Paints Oceania actively pursued and gained valuable orders from the surrounding Oceania islands. “Selling to these islands has created excitement and a strong following of the Sea Hawk brand. Walid was very excited with the event turnout and received numerous orders from customers in Australia and surrounding islands,” said Craft.

A trendsetter of nautical bottom paints, New Nautical Coatings, Inc. was established in 1978 and is dedicated to bringing only the highest quality products and customer satisfaction to today’s mariner. The company is family owned and operated with a commitment to excellence. It offers an array of products that include antifouling systems, primers, gelcoat, resin, and other fiberglass products. Now offering innovative products globally, the Sea Hawk brand has enjoyed unprecedented growth and continues to grow as its products become more in demand worldwide.

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